Cooking with The Skinny: Auntie Eve’s Banana Bread

Cooking with The Skinny: Auntie Eve’s Banana Bread

It's my firm belief that everyone should have a great fool-proof banana bread recipe in their arsenal. This is mine. Handed down to me by my, Auntie Eve, some many many years ago. I've tried so many different variations since, but I always come back to this original every single time. It's fool-proof (trust me, anyone [...]

Founder’s Five: Volume 2, Last Call

Founder’s Five: Volume 2, Last Call

We're in the busiest time of year for retail (jusssst before Christmas), so I'll keep this sort. Some fun festive things on our radar this week that we think you won't want to miss. Christmas Vinyl. On heavy repeat.... The Erinn Cardigan - Harvest. Seriously, the ONLY gift you need this year. Easy one-size-fits-most, makes [...]

St. Patrick’s Day : Papa Pat’s Irish Coffee Recipe!

St. Patrick’s Day : Papa Pat’s Irish Coffee Recipe!

St. Patrick's Day is a day meant to commemorate the culture and heritage if the Irish! To celebrate, we'd like to share with you a delicious family recipe for authentic Irish Coffee gifted to us by one of our very own! Read all about Patrick's story below! Whether you are celebrating St. Patrick’s day with [...]

How to get the most out of Instagram in 2019

How to get the most out of Instagram in 2019

Just over one week ago we hosted our first ever Iconic Portrait Event and it was wonderful! We were so happy to have had Carina and Paige from Henryk Branding Co. in the shop to share their top five tips for getting the most out of Instagram in 2019! We enjoyed their presentation so much, we couldn't resist sharing their tips + our takeaways with you.